Friday, September 22, 2006

A quick note if you happen to be reading this…

…for some reason some Blogger blogs default to this login. This, as pointed out below, isn’t a real blog. I was bored and heard about the Beta of Bloggers update so thought I’d have a tinker.

As you can see it’s over a month later and I have bothered with it much at all…ho hum. Wordpress still doesn’t have to worry too much it seems (although I’m sure more technically proficient people might disagree).

If you’re wondering who I am (and why you’re still reading this) you can read more from me on my personal blog and my (angry lefty) contributions to Pickled Politics.

See you around the Blog’sphere.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Yet another test post

Hello again!

Something I always liked about Blogger was the default font. When I was writing my Election 05 blog using it I used to think it looked casual but not too casual. Pity about the odd re-formatting it would do though if you copied text from other than word...

This is just a two

Hello! If you're reading this don't be confused, this isn't my new blog, I'm not moving back from Wordpress to Blogger! I just heard about the changes to the software and thought I'd check em out.